Our Rules & Regulations
In order to attain goals and achieve success in life, discipline plays very important role. For maintaining discipline decorum, Seth Banarsi Dass College of Education requires its students to follow some rules and regulations:
- Minimum 75% attendance for B.Ed. and 85% for D.Ed. (in lectures, tutorial and practical classes) is mandatory requirement for appearing in examination. The students who fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement (calculated on the basis of combined schedule of theory and practical hours) will not be permitted to appear in the final exam.
- If after enrollment in the institute a student does not attend classes without leave for more than seven days his/her name shall be struck off from the college rolls.
- It shall be the responsibility of all students to take note of all the notice board for their information and compliance. Non-compliance of instructions will not be entertained.
- Seth Banarsi Dass College of Education is strictly non-smoking zone. Any Kind of ragging and sexual harassment will lead to expulsion from the institute.
- Students must reach their respective classrooms before the lecturer arrives for the scheduled session.
- It is mandatory to attend Micro teaching , Simulated teaching and Real teaching for 1 month during B.Ed 1st year and 4 month SIP program in govt. school during B.Ed 2nd year.
- In continuous default of seven days, the name of the student will be struck off from the college rolls.
- Students must be well behaved while dealing with teaching & non-teaching staff.